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A picture is better than a thousand words. And what if we experience both at the same time? Amazing huh?

We used to say that videos will be the future but we don’t say it anymore, because it has became our present. And we are so glad it has happened, because videos are great!

Online marketing is here and with it side by side came also video marketing and video advertising and not only in TV, but mostly on the internet, which creates more than 2/3 of the whole marketing.

More than a half of the contents on the internet is being watched as a video. That’s a fact which can’t be ignored if you want your company to profit or stay profitable.

If your website includes a video, your potential and existing customers stays on your site approximately 2 minutes longer and that fact increases your chances to sell for 64%. In 2017 2/3 of the internet contents will be watched as a video.

Videos are suitable for absolutely every single company on this planet! So don’t hesitate and use the most attractive way to present your company! We help companies to show their strengths by beautiful audiovisual presentation, attractive even for a third unconcerned party.



What can I use a video for?

Websites – online presentation
Internal educational video
Explaining video when launching a new product/ mobile application
Event presentation
Large screens
TV commercial
Google Play Store, Apple Store
Online commercial
Not saying that search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing just love videos!



How does video creating work?


Analysis (target, strengths, target audience, specifications)
Themes (we’ll make for you 2-3 scripts which will be customized accordingly)
Script + Storyboard


Fakty o videu


V roku 2017 bude 2/3 obsahu na internete formou videa

Video na webstránke zvyšuje pravdepodobnosť predaja až o  64%

Vaša webstránka ma 50 násobne väčšiu šancu dostať sa na prvé priečky vo vyhľadávačoch ak obsahuje profesionálne video

80% návštevníkov webu uprednostní pozeranie videa pred čítaním textu

Profesionálne vyrobené video optimalizované na online prostredie prinesie až o 30% viac zákazníkov 


Prečo video


Zapojenie viac zmyslov


Vtiahnutie do deja


Jednorazová investícia
a neobmedzená doba použitia